
The Amazing Adventures of Captain Sneezeguard P5-6

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Page 5: Four panels arranged in a row of three at the top of the page and a single full-width panel powerful. The top row panels take up about 1/3rd page height, and the lower panel takes up 2/3rds page height. A single circular inset panel occupies the bottom right corner of the bottom panel.
Top Left Panel: A high-angle view of the city bridge. In the background, the cloud of pollen, dust and other assorted allergens is pouring out of the smoldering ruin of a factory in the distance. Captain Sneezeguard is flying in the foreground.
Cap: That cloud of pollen, dust and other assorted allergens looks like it could be trouble...
Top Center Panel: Wide view of Captain Sneezeguard flying through the cloud of pollen, dust and other assorted allergens and into the smoldering ruin of the factory.
Cap: I'd better sniff out the cause of this disaster before it's too late!
Top Right Panel: Captain Sneezeguard is framed by the blown-out walls. The expression on his face is of shock.
Cap: Suffering Sinuses! It's worse than I thought!
Bottom Panel: The inside of the factory. The scene is dominated by Captain Sneezeguard's nemesis Doctor Pepper.
Text: And so, Captain Sneezeguard once again finds himself face-to-face with his archnemesis...
Text: The insidious Doctor Pepper!
Inset Panel: The artist looks up from his paper, to cast a sideways glance look at the audience.
Artist: ...What? Pepper makes you sneeze; it totally works!

Page 6: Nine panels, all of equal height and width, arranged in three rows of three.
Top Left Panel: Captain Sneezeguard stands between Doctor Pepper in the foreground and the hole in the factory wall in the background. He points a finger at Doctor Pepper to accuse him.
Cap: Doctor Pepper! I should have guessed that you were behind this nefarious nasal knavery!
Top Center Panel: Doctor Pepper wrings his hands and hunches his shoulders. His face bares a menacing grin.
Doc: Yes, Captain Sneezguard! I set off the explosion at this factory! And soon the city will be mine!
Top right Panel: Captain Sneezeguard stands between Doctor Pepper and the hole in the factory wall, in the exact same scene as the top left panel; but this time, his posture is significantly less imposing, and the expression on his face is one of complete confusion.
Middle Left Panel: Tight view of Doctor Pepper as he pauses to think.
Doc: I'll be honest, I'm kind of improvising from this point onward.
Middle Center Panel: Captain Sneezeguard stands heroically, pointing his finger towards Doctor Pepper.
Cap: Well, I'm not going to give you that chance! Your dander distributing days are done for!
Middle Right Panel Tight view of Doctor Pepper as he wrings his hands menacingly and grins.
Doc: Oh, I think not, Captain...
Bottom Left Panel: Doctor Pepper points beyond Captain Sneezeguard, towards the bridge in the distance. Captain Sneezeguard looks towards the bridge, and the approaching cloud of pollen, dust and other assorted allergens with an expression of horror in his face.
Doc: ...You'll be too busy rescuing that fleet of school buses from my cloud of pollen, dust and other assorted allergens!
Cap: Holy Histamines!!!
Bottom Center Panel: The artist looks up from his paper to glare at the audience.
Artist: Oh yeah, like YOU could have come up with a better line there!
Bottom Right Panel: Captain Sneezeguard flies out through the hole in the factory wall. Doctor Pepper stands in the background.
SFX: WHOOSH!!! (Captain Sneezeguard taking off)
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A little ditty I came up with as an affectionate parody of the Silver Age of Comics.
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